Ever since man found flame it has been all about gathering socially forming inclusive communities. on april 2020 easter weekend One of the pinnacle times of the year we religious;ly gather on mass. Replaced by The Day The World Shut Down (sounding straight out of an Orson Wells novel)
This was a global shut down to enforced isolation of every person. The anti of everything we know.
Will it be 1 week or 6 months the community is scarred .
This is the first time in my generation that there has been a global issue that is akin to a world war this time with no switzerland.
Borders closed people told to stay home draw the blinds and hope for the best.
Marshal law activated .The city's become ghost towns.
For the first time since Adam & Eve there is a global collective agenda that everyone is actively contributing un filtered. Smart proving there is a work around for anything.
Utilizing all that's available, adapting and evolving
It makes everyone stop, reflect and reevaluate.
People are reaching out not with thoughts of me and mine but of we and us.
So maybe we shouldn't forget so quickly the time we had to isolate to find ourselves.
Achieving global community status
This was a pop up roof top garden that I installed with my brother Sam. From nothing we created an oasis perched on high. proving imagination beats the impossible.
I used a full frame Sony a900.
Lately I have been going against everything i know and have been taught. (That a photo should have as much information as possible.)
I have been deconstructing my images to black and white (no Grey) then reanimating them using layers. This is a reminder of the ghost citys that where born through self isolation


This depicts our emergence from the global shut down with thoughtful hope & intent. Understanding the picture isn't going to be the same. We will have to fill a lot of the new information in as we go knowing society is a solid structure that we can work with
Shot using the Sony A900 full frame and then using threshold taking the image back to the primal b&w. then re introducing information using layers

This is one of a series (25) i created with a very talented friend and fellow artist Soup. I had access to a Chamonix H-1 4x5 large format film camera.
Using miniaturised sets and blue screen I shot our models old school film and dark room developed.
Having to re learn forgotten processes I renew my loyalty and love of google and youtube.
Utilizing today's tec I was then able to digitally hand off the large format shots .
Soup digitally 3d created their environment. Production was a wonderful mesh of old and new.
Whilst never being in the same place collaboration was easily achieved between two alfa artists. The Coronavirus has inadvertently opened this platform to all
Working with models who are happy to be in situe for extended periods a definite plus using the large format under lights.
Rob here are a few more for you